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Contact Information


Monday - Friday ​

8:00 am - 12:00 pm ​

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 


Victim Advocate

Carol MacInnes

401 Fourth St

PO Box 447

Fossil OR 97830

Phone: (541) 763-2184

Cell:     (541) 705-0786

Fax:     (541) 763-0175



District Attorney

Gretchen Ladd

​701 Adams St.

PO Box 447

Phone: (541) 763- 4207 or (541) 763- 4207

Fax: (541) 763-0175


Victim Assistance Program


Wheeler County Victim’s Assistance Program is specifically charged with providing services to all victims of crime.


Once a crime has occurred, there is nothing that can be done to prevent the pain and loss already experienced by each victim.  It is the goal of this office to prevent additional harm to the victim which can occur in the complicated and sometimes confusing criminal justice system. 


Our commitment to victims is to provide services to each victim, while treating the victim with dignity and respect. Victims have a right to fair treatment. We have procedures to advise victims of their rights and to keep victims apprised of the status of the case in which they were victimized. The victim has a right to participate in the process of their case.


All victims of crimes being prosecuted by the District Attorney’s Office receive:  information about their rights as victims; opportunity to submit information about their loss for restitution; a victim impact statement that enables them to make a statement to the court in the event of a conviction; and notification calls or letters on the case status and disposition.  We also assist victims in applying for Crime  Victims’ Compensation through the State of Oregon, Department of Justice.


We provide support through the criminal justice system for victims of child abuse, stalking, elder abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and homicide.  We also provide services to victims of all other types of violent and traumatic crimes.


Our office provides 24 hour response for the victims of sexual assault and for the loved ones of homicide victims.  This immediate crisis intervention service is then followed by ongoing support and advocacy throughout the investigation and prosecution of the case.


For emergencies dial 911.

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