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County Court


The Wheeler County Court sets policy and manages the business affairs of the County, including apportioning and levying taxes, and overseeing the organization and budgeting of all County programs. Called a “County Court” to reflect historical responsibilities of the office, the Chairman of the Board is the County Judge who also handles juvenile and probate court matters and who is primarily devoted to nonjudicial administrative responsibilities as a member of the county board.


Per Oregon Revised Statute 204, the requirements for County Judge and County Commissioners are as follows:

  • Must be a resident of the United States;

  • Must be a registered voter;

  • Must be 18 years of age or older;

  • Must be a resident of Wheeler County for at least one (1) year prior to election;

  • No other special requirements or certifications are required;

  • Term of office is four (4) years for Commissioner, six (6) years for Judge



In regard to public meetings -


192.630(1). The right of public attendance guaranteed by the Public Meetings Law does not include the right to participate by public testimony or comment. In fact, the Public Meetings Law expressly mentions public participation in only two situations: an opportunity for “public comment”on the employment of a public officer, ORS 192.660(7)(d)(C), and an opportunity for “public comment” on standards to be used in hiring a chief executive officer, ORS 192.660(7)(d)(D). Other statutes, rules, charters, ordinances, and bylaws outside the Public Meetings Law may require governing bodies to hear public testimony or comment on certain matters.320 But in the absence of such a requirement, a governing body may conduct a meeting without any public participation. Governing bodies voluntarily may allow limited public participation at their meetings.



Written minutes need not be a verbatim transcript and a sound, video or digital recording is not required to contain a full recording of the meeting, except as otherwise provided by law. Whatever means of recording used must give a “a true reflection of the matters discussed at the meeting and the views of the participants.” ORS 192.650(1).



County Court Meetings

1st and 3rd Wednesday

10:00 am

Jeanne E. Burch Family Services Building

401 Fourth St.

Fossil, OR 97830

Contact Information

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 


Wheeler County Judge

Term Ends:   2028

N. Lynn Morley                    

401 Fourth St.

P.O. Box 447 

Fossil, OR 97830

Phone: (541) 763-3460



Wheeler County Commissioner

Term Ends:   2028

​Matt Davis

401 Fourth St.

P.O. Box 447

Fossil, OR 97830


Wheeler County Commissioner

Term Ends:   2026

Ben Logan

401 Fourth St.

P.O. Box 447

Fossil, OR 97830

Court Secretary

Chrissa McCreary

(541) 763-2912


Budget Committee

#1 - Cassi Newton

#2 - Mick Wright

#3 - Candy Humphreys

Court Members


Compensation Board

N. Lynn Morley

Clinton Dyer

Ben Loan



9/6/2016 Swearing in - Judge N. Lynn Morley

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